Welcome to January 2023 Galactic Numerology™ Energy Map
Welcome to January 2023 Galactic Numerology™ Energy Map
In this transmission, you’ll learn about key dates, numbers, and cosmic energies, Galactic Numerology™ energies that are tools for manifestation that are available specifically in January 2023. See how this energy map helps set the stage for maneuvering and creating your life. During these potent and specific energies windows, you are given the opportunity to magnify your purpose and intention, and harness the powers that are available unconditionally for you! The key is to harness that power with Love!
Galactic Numerology™ welcomes you to this Month of January 2023 and is transmitting supporting and nourishing energies for you in this transmission.
There is an infinite amount of happenings under way in the energy realms, and here we bring specific highlights and key insights that flow from our vibrational streams with the Divine Cosmic Alchemy happening from and through Galactic Numerology™.
We also take a brush stroke to the surface, to acknowledge some of the many events and expansions happening within the cosmos and astrologically as well. All of this is being transmitted to support you as you navigate upon your life path, and it is our JOY and delight to assist you.
1 is a Sacred Number of Unity. And it is the energy of the Infinite: everlasting, eternal, enduring and perpetual. The soul knows its INFINITE nature and connection in unity to All That There Is, and is continually sending reminders, nudges and sparks of Light to assist in that awakening and remembering.
1 stands ready, not in the old paradigm energy of “one stands alone”, yet 1 stands ready to be the INFINITE co-creator, and to contribute both the unique and universal aspects of itself (of yourself).
1/1 is New Year’s Day across your globe, and the Portal of Infinite opportunities and possibilities. There is great driving power in a very balanced and unified way to know that everything is limitless, endless, and boundless. It’s like the sweeping away of the illusionary states of being restricted, confined, and bounded. And, there’s also the enduring nature of all of the potential being molded into manifestation, and then knowing that it just keeps evolving and changing.
We bring this forward, and you are buoyed on these portal days to utilize the concentrated energies that support your Infinite states of being. 1/1 is a Portal Day. And, this is your fuel and power on the first day of your calendar year that generates the inertia for the forward movement and momentum for your year, as well as additional energies of this 1st month with the supporting galactic energies of the planets and numerology.
1/6 is the Full Moon in Cancer, and the first Full Moon of this year 2023, which brings in a wide opening of space to fully see the illumination of relationships with family, your ancestral lineage and the global family of Earth. And for your own life. There’s this flowing, gentle energy – like a Motherly hug – that is assuring and renews that sense of self-assurance and sovereignty. Being in the spot-light of clarity, and feeling fully supported, how does that assist you in moving forward and creating anew – from that bright, hopeful and optimistic knowing that is your Divine guidance and compass.
1/11 is the exponential Portal of the 1/1 Portal. 111 is a number sequence that brings attention to the magical and auspicious that is present when the numbers appear. Coming from the heart direction and inner-guidance, what would you create, be or do if you knew that you had infinite possibilies available, and that you could draw in all of those resonant possiblities that align with what you’re desiring? Does that feel empowering? Well it is! Each time you see this number sequence, and on this particular day, you may consider harnessing all of this – and see the wonderous manifestations of it in your outer world and life. And like the 11:11 sequence – what in particular is on your heart at the time you notice those ones- the one sequences.
Mid month on 1/12, 1/18 and 1/22 respectively, three planets: Mars and Mercury and Uranus return to their direct motion. Mars direct brings energy in to get moving on what you’ve been wanting to finish, or to start. It’s like there was this slow motion of retrograde, like when you see slow motion in a movie, and then when it goes back into motion, there’s momentum and excitement for “keeping on the keeping on” as you say. There’s the confidence and joy of what you’re doing is making a difference, and that your own actions can create the changes you’re desiring to see. And with Mercury direct there’s a return to the flow of communication and information because the work to clear out the debris has been done in the retrograde. Keep to your truth in all you say and do and be. See how your truth sets you free!
1/21 New Moon in Aquarius. Wishes, desires from your soul are being illuminated from within – the within is going into the silence, the depths of serenity - like the night sky with the stars all shining forth. Aquarius energy is consciousness, higher states of being, Divine connections. Can you take time to be in silence and meditation, and to set the minds chatter aside, and just BE, be in the receptive mode to listen and hear what Spirit is saying to you, supporting and nourishing you with. Then you can ground it in by setting those intentions, those New Moon intentions, which are blessing that which you are putting forth as your course and plan for your life, with the energy of vast and eternal possibilities.
1/22/23: With this day, and Uranus going direct, in this most auspicious window of “time” in your year, all planets are direct now until April 21, and there’s a forward movement that supports expansion and change. Change that keeps the shifting and expansion going, and being reflected as revolutionary in the outer world. This brings a great awakening that is added assurance for you to take steps and actions. The old paradigm energy of the illusions of “taking risks” is now shifting, for there are no random events. When you take action, even not knowing what the results will be, yet following your heart and not the mind, it is all Divinely orchestrated, and it’s how you continue to expand and evolve and how you contribute to the world.
In this 5-digit sequence there’s the flow of 123, and the amplification of the 2s – on 1/22/23 - and that harmony and belief in yourself as a Divine being. It’s like the fun, uplifting song on the piano that zings forth with the upbeat melody in flow. 123, 1/22/23, 1/22/23.
1/23/23 is a highly spiritual day and wonderful time to meditate and go within, spend time in nature, to allow yourself to see what your soul is illuminating for you as your highest path, with the knowing that you are eternal and connected to the Light of the Cosmos. This is great energy, and as you tune into it, you’ll see what you call “Ah-ha’s”, and that connection to your inner knowing and guidance is fuel for your life journey.
We would like to bring forth the guidance to deepen in to the moments of silence and solitude that you find for yourself each day in this month, and see how this month brings that reflection time into manifestation and in to your life. This is happening more quickly, Dear One, and you will see this and enjoy the quickening realization of all that you are desiring and creating.
We send our love and blessings and gratitude to you, and we complete this transmission now.
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