Welcome to June 2023 Galactic Numerology™ Energy Map
Welcome to June 2023 Galactic Numerology™ Energy Map
In this transmission, you’ll learn about key dates, numbers, and cosmic energies, Galactic Numerology™ energies that are tools for manifestation that are available specifically in June 2023. See how this energy map sets the stage for maneuvering and creating your life. During these potent and specific energies windows you are given the opportunity to magnify your purpose and intention and harness the powers that are available unconditionally for you! The key is to harness that power!
Galactic Numerology™ welcomes you to this Month of June 2023, and is transmitting supporting and nourishing energies for you in this transmission.
June is month 6 in the calendar year, and provides the energy vibrations of expanding into the Divineness of you, and beyond the limitations of illusions presented by the outside world. This month is exponentially supporting your growth, broadening your horizons, amplifying your gifts and talents, and widening your visions beyond what you’ve ever experienced before. There’s always abundant support within the Sacred Numerology of this month, that is greatly assisted with the astrological events of this month as well. The planets and their movements within this solar system, and throughout the astrological signs, for June include: Pluto, Neptune and Saturn going retrograde, the movements of Venus and much more. The astrology and numerology provide multidimensional opportunities to support the growth and expansion of your creations throughout this 6th month of June.
There is the focus of broadening all areas of your life (relationships, health, work, abundance) into a more soul-connected place. This greater connectedness from within to your outer world assists the expansion of your own personal relationship with yourself, those in your family and life now, as also all those new relationships that are developing – those coming in who resonate more with your energy. And, you become more aware of your health and what your body requires for optimal health. And, your life balance with work and play, and how you experience abundance all get shifted into greater states of being. And the energy of expansion is the place where the focus of “home”, being not only your physical space where you reside, but also you as a home to your soul where you come from - within the heart - to be the guiding compass for your life choices.
All of this happens, Dear One, when you utilize and engage in the energy of growth and expansive support coming from your soul and Divine teams and guides - and then, take action! And in this year, the previous months have been turning up the volume to flow even more of the highest light and love frequencies into your being, pushing you beyond your comfort zone, turning up the heat so that you do indeed, take action. You are connecting more and more to the cosmic being that you are.
And this is riding along the wave that has been moving you with great momentum over the past couple of years as well. The eclipses of this past month added additional sparks to churn up and light up the old, dense energies - and that which is ready to be completed. And now, with planets in retrograde once again, there’s a slowing down, a focus and perceptive way to guide all that is expanding for you, and make some choices as to how you want to manage, direct and lead your life - from the perspective of these great soul expansions - that have you exactly where you are at now.
Now, let’s look at the key energies and dates for this Month of June, this 6th month of the year 2023, and half way point.
June 3rd/4th is the Sagittarius Full Moon. This is the time where there is full illumination of truth and knowing, and the energies are potent, strong and powerful to help shine a light on that which no longer serves you, to let go and to release any old and stuck energies. Ritual and ceremony are great in Full Moons - perhaps using fire, candles, crystals, sound - anything that helps you use physicality to send off all that you are desiring to complete.
And then, to experience the lightness of that release of denser energies. And then, let the rays of light of the Full Moon just bathe you in the nourishing light, the feminine kiss of the Divine shining upon you, and feeling it nurturing and cradling you in Divine support. This Sagittarius Full Moon time is one of blossoming expansion. And, as Sagittarius brings this playful and joyful energy of this Full Moon, also known as the Strawberry Moon, to call in the juicy and succulent energy of the sweetness of you. Enjoy the sweetness of your life, and add more flavor to any areas that have been lack-luster and stagnant. Where can you add more fun and delight to your life?
Next is the exponential and powerful Numerology Portal Day for this month of 6/6/23, and it accelerates the energies beyond any boundaries that are grasping to hold back. There is so much energetic motivation on this day, you may even plan for it to be a day for taking action, doing those activities that your soul is urging you to do. And with this energy there’s an expansion of the joy of breaking out, moving beyond, moving into that which you are desiring to be and have in your life. 6 is the double 3s of flow, so it’s a very fluid, moving forward energy day. 6+6+2+0+2+3 = 19, and the 1+9=10 and then 1+0=1. Playing with the numbers, where can you apply these to your life? What 1 thing can you take action on today, 6/6 that will move everything out that is standing in the way of your greatest joy?!
There’s the sacred geometry of the hexagon of the 6, the 6 days of creation. All the beautiful sacred geometry of the 6. Residing in the unity of the dynamic and Divine sacredness of the Number 6 energies greatly assists your growth and expansion. In the old paradigm, sacred numbers such as 13, or 666 were given dense and fearful imagery and energy to instill illusions and lies over their truth: which is the very sacred, holy and mystical properties and vibrations of their being. Now, in this new paradigm and harnessing the true power of these sacred number energies, there is such lightness and ability to develop and grow with their support.
And on the mini Portal dates of 6/15 (6+[1+5=6]) and 6/24 (6+[2+4=6]), you can revisit the tasks, actions, energies that you set into motion on June 6th and feel really supported and buoyed on these days as well. See what has expanded, what has been bolstering your life since 6/6 and go even further with more expansion of that on these dates.
On 6/11/23 Master Number day, your soul will really be calling you to remember and expand upon your infinite nature, with the belief that you are a spark of the Divine, as you shine with your heart illumination out to all. On 6/22/23 Master Day, you can expand the exploration of your own beliefs that are your own truth, that your soul is illuminating for you to see. You can utilize the expansive growth energy of these Master days by being aware of what you are capable of, what gifts and talents you bring to the world, and take the action steps to bring those forth into realization, fulfillment and manifestation.
The New Moon in Gemini is on June 17th. New beginnings and the perfect time to pick some particular area of your life, or a very specific focus, to expand out into more than it’s ever been. Making or creating something that was in one state of energy or being, and expanding it into something new. Gemini energy assists relationships - so new relationships: to yourself, newness in existing relationships, and brand new relationships that share your new and expanded way of being. This powerful and beloved Moon is great energy to harness this, Dear One. Newness is freshness, and exciting innovative energy with which to create. Breathe it in, like the blossoming flowers of the new spring bud, and really embody the newness energy.
And, on 6/21/23 is the potent and powerful energy of the Solstice, as the sun moves into Cancer with the dance of hours of light and darkness. Winter in the Southern Hemisphere with shorter hours of light, and Summer in the Northern Hemisphere where there is the longest day of the year with many hours of light. These Solstice days are mighty days for raising consciousness on the planet. Looking back at Solstice in December 2022, and noticing now where you’re at, how far you’ve come in your evolutionary process - you might congratulate yourself, be grateful for all that’s occurred for you, and for others around you. The energies are powerfully potent on this day, and yet you may feel the significant frequencies several days before and after.
There’s much celebration around the globe, at sacred sites and places so it’s a great time to participate in something that brings community - because with community are even more amplification of the energies and the intentions created for manifestation. Midsummer’s Eve is one such celebration just days after Solstice to celebrate the Sun of this galaxy, and to light fires to bring in more light as the days begin to grow shorter. How can you contribute to the New Earth, how would you celebrate and what can you bring to the party? This is also a great time for personal ceremony, celebration, setting aside time to be in the awareness of dreaming the biggest dream of New Earth, and placing your energies into that pool of Divine consciousness to amplify all that is being created on this powerful and Divine day. The sun and moon and planets and numerology are all supporting you. Crystals, meditation, divination, song and sound, movement - all are ingredients for ceremony and ritual on this day. Choose what your soul desires most and enJOY!
As this month brings retrogrades, it is the time for slowing down, contemplation, deeply digging into that which you are focusing upon - expanding. This honing in with real clarity assists you in expanding upon those areas that are nurturing and growing your soul, and adding to your path the joy and bliss of your connection to the Divine. Expand your spiritual wisdom, inner-knowing, looking for the layers of multidimensionality that you are as a soul and light within this physical body. Discover yourself as more than just the physical presence, and enjoy living from the higher dimensions of you. This really assists your ascension journey, Dear One.
Enjoy this magnificent and expansive month of June. Our blessings are with you. And our transmission is complete.
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