Welcome to July 2023 Galactic Numerology™ Energy Map
Welcome to July 2023 Galactic Numerology™ Energy Map
In this transmission, you’ll learn about key dates, numbers, and cosmic energies, Galactic Numerology™ energies that are tools for manifestation that are available specifically in July 2023. See how this energy map sets the stage for maneuvering and creating your life. During these potent and specific energies windows you are given the opportunity to magnify your purpose and intention, and harness the powers that are available unconditionally for you! The key is to harness that power!
Galactic Numerology™ welcomes you to this Month of July - and the second half of 2023 - and is transmitting supporting and nourishing energies for you in this transmission.
July is the 7th month of the calendar year and provides the energy vibrations of transition and change, with opportunities for even more growth and development from all that has expanded in the impactful and potent month of June. Change has been seen through the lens of duality to be scary, uncertain, and a potential for failure. That conditioning that has been so deeply ingrained - for so long - has then, been the reason to stay in the safe zone, and therefore stagnating the natural rhythm of growth that is your intrinsic state of being. We’ve talked about this before when we’ve talked about the essential state of flow that your soul knows, that your higher self consistently communicates to you, it is your intrinsic state of being, your natural state of being.
This July and 7th month, a boosting of energies comes from the Universal Year being a 7, as you add up 2023: 2+0+2+3 equally the 7. This is the harmonious transitions of the heart as home, that impacts everything that you’re up to in this Universal 7 year, and is now energetically multiplied in this 7th month of the year.
In our January transmission, we the Galactic Numerology Council of Light brought forth the transmission of the Universal Year Energy of 7 from both the traditional and Galactic Numerology energies as foundational to all that you’re up to in 2023.
During this month of July 2023, the energies are greatly assisting you in being more aware of your present moments. And how you are in control - no one else but you is in control of your destiny, because you make all the choices - and in taking the opportunity to make choices, take action, with more awareness so that you are directing your own path to that which you most desire. Then, there's delight and joy in the changes, shifts, and growth which is a higher vibrational, and much more flowing energy, to be living in and with. So with each choice you make, you grow, expand, and transition to the next stage, with awareness of the entire process that is unfolding. Then you continue on with the next choice, the growth and expansion of that, and acknowledging the moments that make up all of that development, rather than resisting it.
The focus on relationships, and the expansion of your own personal relationship with yourself, those in your family and life now, as also all those new relationships that are coming in - have been a prominent theme really propelling the ascension process into unity. This continues with great support from these astrological, cosmic and numerological vibrations presenting for this month of July.
With the 7th month, the seven sisters star cluster of the Pleiades brings the strength of the divine feminine and assistance in moving through challenges to traverse the illusions and move into truth. These seven sister lend a watchful eye, and with the element of water, keep everything in flow. They symbolize how the cycles of death help complete all that no longer serves, and the transitions that occur assist to birth anew all that serves the highest good.
There is much happening, and we bring some highlights and insights here, and yet know that this touches the surface of the many, many transitions and expansions happening within the cosmos.
In the first week of July, changes are in full swing, and on 7/3 or 7/4 depending on where you live, is the Super Full Moon in Capricorn and very much a feminine supportive energy, as well as grounding and decisive. This high energy illumination is like a charge, a boost to take whatever you have been keeping inside that is a benefit to yourself and the world, and use those gifts for transformation. To assist in transitioning and creating the New Earth.
In this Full Moon, super close to the Earth, if there seems to be difficulty surfacing and challenges fully visible, know that it is part of what is asking to be released, to be completed and see clearly what you no longer are choosing as old paradigm beliefs. The full moon shines its light to illuminate situations that are requiring attention within soul growth, as well as assisting you in shining your light - boosting you to illuminate your radiance even more.
December 23, 2022 brought the Super New Moon in Capricorn with new beginnings - that highlight the infinite nature of you as a creator of your reality. Capricorn energy assists in laying the foundation for what really matters, and using focused intention for your new creations and new directions - with added courage and the resolve to bring those into fruition. Perhaps taking time during this Super Full Moon to take inventory of where you’re at now, from those new moon creations in December 2022, and adjust accordingly – this keeps you on track and assists you in circumventing some of the possible roadblocks that could otherwise appear.
In this Super Full Moon, your crystals may be desiring a boost as well to be in the moonlight, bathed in cosmic energies. Ritual and ceremony is great to do during the full moon - either with fire, candles, crystals, sound. This provides a visceral deepening into the energies with awareness.
This month's portal day is 7/7/2023, and as 2023 = 7, there’s a powerfully potent exponential 7/7/7 Portal of energies from this date that provides the magnificent support to assist you in all growth and movement taking place within your life, and brings in streams of consciousness available to harness the energies for more peace and harmony, as your life shifts and as you step more into your Divine Presence as the leading consciousness in your outer reality.
This 7/7/7 Portal accelerates the energies that bridge the transitions happening as you step into more of what your soul has come to do and be in this lifetime. There is so much energetic motivation on this day, you may even plan for it to be a day for taking action, doing those activities that your soul is urging you to do. And with this energy there’s the transitioning and transformation that creates the joy of seeing the new and delightful opportunities presenting themselves to you, and moving into that which you are desiring to be and have in your life. We, the Galactic Numerology Council of Light are providing a transmission to harness and integrate the power of Sacred Number 7 on this date (details here).
And, the mini portal dates of 7/16/23 and 7/25/23 are opportunities to revisit the tasks, actions, energies that you set into motion on July 7th in that 7/7/7 Portal, and feel really supported and buoyed on these days as well.
There are Master Number days this month of July are 7/11/23 as well as 7/22/23. These Master Number days on the 11th and 22nd occur each month and are amplified energies of their base numbers, and really bring our awareness to them as repeating numbers that are magical, and often make us stop and pause in delight of the awareness of them. On these Master Number days, perhaps listening to what your soul is calling forth to support changes and developments, based on that strong knowing of your infinite nature in oneness with all, and the belief in the guidance that is coming through loud and clear, and to really trust it, and explore more of this wisdom. You can utilize the energy of these Master days by being aware of what you are capable of, what gifts and talents you bring to the world, and take the action steps to bring those forth into realization, fulfillment and manifestation.
July 17th brings the evolutionary transition of the Nodal Axis, the North and South Nodes into different astrological signs into Aries and Libra until January 2025, as they were in Taurus and Scorpio for 18 months. The North Node moves into Aries and the South Node moves into Libra. This influences both personal and worldly energies and events, and that so much consciousness shifting and transitions are occurring in these high energies. The North Node is about future destiny and the South Node is about the past. There is much to be garnered from these energies, and we encourage you to seek more about this through conscious astrology.
And, July 17th brings the New Moon in Cancer that highlights the opportunities to make change, begin anew with relationships, home and everything foundational for your life. It’s about being sensitive to the truth that your heart is speaking out to you, and having assurance and certainty in your own truth. In this new paradigm, what was associated with security and this astrological sign of Cancer, grows and transitions into being so rooted in your beliefs and knowing, that you know you are in charge, and there is really nothing to fear. This shifts a lot - transitions from old to new ways of living your life. And, with the shifts of the Nodal Axis, there’s new fresh and welcoming energy into these air signs of higher wisdom and consciousness.
Taking advantage of this wonderful new opportunity to transition from one moment to the next from this stance of your deepest truth and knowing. The seasons come around, and the planets move in their cycles, yet evolution is always occurring, so there’s always new opportunities that have never been available before this time now.
July 22 brings another planet into retrograde, and this is Venus - who’s energies in retrograde support transitioning out of the old wounds, deep hurts, distress and traumas that have been keeping you from moving forward, and to heal those lifetimes upon lifetimes of this sense of trying to get it right. Venus supports the love, abundance, relationship of your life, and goes retrograde into Leo - which is fun, social and playful heart energy. This is the time to let all that is surfacing be fully released, let go, and stop holding on to that comfort zone of pain and anguish. It’s what’s been ingrained in you for so long, that it has indeed become like a security blanket, which is instead blankets of illusions. Knowing and being your true self, releasing the wounds, knowing that all is well, and the Divineness of your birthright is what anchors you into that place of sanctuary and freedom. Honor what your body and emotions are requiring to soothe and comfort where you’re now at through the transitions. Let your heart lead the way to what brings you true joy!
July 22 the sun moves into the sign of Leo, paving the way for the Lion’s Gate of August. Warmth and courage, the fiery lion energy of Leo really encourages stepping out into all that you are, and transforming into the newness of what you are now ready to bring valiantly into the world. Let the fire be lit to really get you moving into it, transitioning into your next soul expansion - as it’s happening all of the time, yet taking full advantage of the magnificently supporting energies. This month of July, what are you stepping fully into and moving forward and ahead with, that is significant in harnessing these 2nd half of 2023 energies? Feel the confidence that has been building - you are ready!
And, Leo’s energy of play and fiery passion is working with Venus in retrograde in a wonderful opportunity to explore how you are in relationship to yourself, and with others. Retrograde is about going deeper and digging into anything that no longer serves, and in the areas of love, it’s about truly experiencing and remembering Divine Love - which is in wholeness and unity - and not the fleeting story that the collective has broadcast for eons. Love is wholeness, and this is a perfect opportunity to go within, and to seek what your heart is showing you of Divine Love. Your outer reality may bring in reflections of what it is not, through challenges in relationships, and these are flags to be aware and to go within and release those old energies that are illusions of love.
And, on July 30th, the cosmos showers us with the peak of Delta Aquariid Meteors to show the love and support of the Divine with all that you are transforming within your life. Whether you are able to see them with your physical eyes or not, you can still take some time to close your eyes and turn your head towards the skies, set an intention and send it up to the heavens to be touched and sparked with the light of the meteors raining and showering you with many, many blessings.
See the transitions that are truly creating the transformations that are happening in the outside world. See the new relationships that you’re attracting that support creating this new world. How has your community of relationships shifted, what new friends have come into your life? Open your eyes, mind and heart to all that is new and blossoming as innovative ways of operating within the ascending reality. It’s happening, and what a gift to rejoice in the progress of being in the reality of New Earth!
Enjoy this magnificent and expansive month of July. Our blessings and support are with you always.
And our transmission is complete.
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