Welcome to August 2023 Galactic Numerology™ Energy Map

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Welcome to August 2023 Galactic Numerology™ Energy Map

In this transmission, you’ll learn about key dates, numbers, and cosmic energies, Galactic Numerology™ energies that are tools for manifestation that are available specifically in August 2023. See how this energy map sets the stage for maneuvering and creating your life. During these potent and specific energies windows you are given the opportunity to magnify your purpose and intention, and harness the powers that are available unconditionally for you! The key is to harness that power!

Galactic Numerology™ welcomes you to this Month of August and is transmitting supporting and nourishing energies for you in this transmission.

There is much, much happening in the energy realms, and we bring some highlights and insights here, and yet know that this just touches the surface of the many, many activities and expansions happening within the cosmos.

August is the 8th month of the calendar year, and provides the energy vibrations of clarity, precision and accuracy when working within the energies of the heart space to create your most joyful life. And, it’s the symbol of Infinity, reminding us of the unlimited nature of our Being.

The 7th month of July provided the energy vibrations of transition and change, with opportunities for even more growth and development from all that has expanded in the impactful and potent month of June. And, as this is a 7 Universal Year, there’s powerful support with this throughout this year of 2023. What changes did you embrace in July and are embracing now, being ever-present in your now-moments, that provide opportunities for you to take action upon, and to shift out of ways of being that are no longer supporting your evolution?

This power-packed 8th month of August will really help you hone in and see with much clarity, that all that has changed and shifted has brought you to where you are at now. Are you noticing being lighter and happier – freer - even as the outer world continues to play out in duality? Really looking at why and how, all of what’s unfolding within your life is showing you your own true path, and your purpose of why you’re here on the Earthstar for this lifetime.

This first week of August, we acknowledge having stepped into a very powerful Lion’s Gate Window: Earth’s alignment with Sirius (our Galaxy’s Spiritual Sun) and our physical sun moving through the sign of Leo, from the last week of July right into it’s opening on 8/8, in which a massive influx concentration of High Consciousness Light and Love flood in to awaken more of humanity.  This is highly concentrated energy from our own galaxy's stellar alignments creating this portal opportunity to consciously harness these evolutionary and highly advanced Light frequencies. This unlocks keys and codes within your physical and energy bodies, and within Sacred Sites on the Earth - like Egypt’s Giza pyramid and The Sphinx. This is a time to tap into what is flooding in to further awaken you to your own God Presence acting within your physicality - acting within your life.

And, this month there are 2 Super Full Moons on each end of this month, beginning and end of the month. Super Full Moon affects the tides and the structure of the Earth, so imagine how it’s working with and for you (and all sentient Beings) as well.  These pulls, illuminations and down pouring of electronic forces of high consciousness are deeply cleansing and transformative: so the 8/1 Super Full Moon, then the powerful Lion’s Gate of 8/8, the Leo New Moon, and then the 2nd Super Full (Blue) Moon of 8/30 will be evolutionary, like none you’ve experienced before! 

In addition are the planets in retrograde. There’s this churning of going back over life challenges with these retrogrades, and to utilize the energy of August to clarify what is still being held on to and ready to finally be released.  There are no longer needs to be the agitation - like a washing machine, and of revisiting the same challenges and duality energies over and over.  Time to let go with great intention and purposeful conviction, which provides a driving power to get through the densities. This frees up so much space, so much clarity becomes available when these denser weighty energies are lifted off and released for transmutation – or sent back to where they belong – for many times, the energies being held, aren’t even yours. Feel the weight lifted, feel the lightness and joy that comes from that!

Are you choosing to really experience what is being gifted to greatly assist your evolution? This is powerfully uplifting and positive energy of clarity that assists seeing the higher purpose of everything that is occurring in your life and in the world, and therefore bringing about a sense of peace that all is well and in the great flow of evolution.

August 1st/2nd and the Lammas festival, one of the 4 quarter Pagan celebrations, and as the Christians “Loaf Day” - all meaning a celebration of bounty and abundance and gratitude for all of it, and beginning of harvest season. It’s the halfway point between Solstice and Equinox, and from the focus of the energetic, it’s a soul festival & celebration, really recognizing with clarity the road already traveled throughout this year thus far, and the shifts and changes that have been accomplished through your diligence of focusing upon your soul’s desires calling to you. And, giving thanks to your higher-self and guides for all of the encouragement and support, and seeing what you’re harvesting as part of all of your expansions. Seeing how this reflection of you is reflecting back to you with all of the gifts and treasures that are now in your life – and all of the blessings. This is seeing it all with clarity.

August 1st is the Full Super Moon in Aquarius, where there’s a flooding in of illumination, and an influx of moon energy supporting your birthright of sovereignty, of your uniqueness and ‘just go-for-it’ energy! You’re seeing more and more of what resonates for you through your own higher intelligence - which Aquarius energy blazes through the veils of illusion of the collective of duality. We are welcoming in the Age of Aquarius and the energy of Aquarius in this Super Full Moon which is about freedom, cosmic connection, new ways of being, beyond the beyond.  And, being grounded and connected to Earth, to those around us that support us, and those who we support, is a part of this Full Moon in Aquarius manifestation energy. So, there’s all this illumination - what is it shining a light on for you? What are you stepping out of that puts you on the road to the freedom of your true self?

Perhaps taking time during this Full Moon to take inventory of where you’re at, and adjust accordingly – this keeps you on track with clarity and assists you in circumventing some of the possible roadblocks that could otherwise appear. Your crystals and water may be desiring a boost in the moonlight, bathed in cosmic energies. Perhaps you might go outside and bathe in these energies as well - get a boost of moonlight. Ritual and ceremony is great to do during the full moon - either with fire, candles, crystals, sound. This provides a visceral deepening into the energies through awareness.

The Lion’s Gate Portal’s most potent energies are on 8/8. This energy supports razor-sharp and crystal clarity, and realization and integration of the Divine expression embodied, encouraging even greater exploration of the multidimensionality of self. The lion/lioness is the symbol of fierceness from a place of love – and stalking down, taking out all that is not love. The lion/lioness is regal, and royal – not from a place of being “given” the title from one who decides from the outside – but instead as the birthright, the Divineness and sovereignty of distinction from the Creator Source.

And, for soul clarity, harnessing these beautiful lion/lioness energies to be in the stance and power of the truth of you, and creating your life with certainty and peace. Keep going, keep digging out that which no longer serves you on the path you are now on. Can you clear the path of anything that doesn't really belong to you or resonate with you? Then you just know what is yours, exploring with precision and focus all that is truly yours.

This Lion’s Gate 8/8 Portal is powerful, and you can harness the energies by creating a sacred space for yourself on this day, carving out time, being in nature, connecting with the earth, calling forth the feline energy within, getting to know that energy that is a part of you, and letting it nourish you. This is is a great time for connecting with your inner child, and going within your heart to assure that inner child that all is well. Check in and see if your inner child knows this, and if not, ask what is standing in the way – what illusions are still hanging on, because you and your inner child are one in the same, and are a great team of creativity in your life – so making sure the path is clear so those creative juices can flow.

And, the mini portal dates this month are: 8/17/23 (the month of 8, the day of 17 = 1+7=8, and 23), and 8/26/23 (8/2+6=8/23). These present more opportunities for you to revisit the tasks, actions, energies that you set into motion on 8/8, and feel really supported and buoyed on these days as well.

On 8/12 and 8/13 the active and delightful Perseid meteor shower peaks with the light show of “shooting stars”.  If you can gaze up at the night sky during this cosmic light show, imagine the magic that is possible through the delight and joy felt as you witness these “shooting stars”. If you aren’t able to see it visibly, you might close your eyes and call upon the Perseid energies to bring that light show to your inner vision, and spark the magic and joy within.  Either way, the magic of these gifts in the night sky will spark the dazzle in your life, and show you how to reflect that from within to your outer world.

8/13 is Venus alignment with the sun which is known as Venus Star Point. Venus is powerfully pouring so much cosmic energy to Earth, and this time and her retrograde assists the evaluation of all that you value in your life.  Perhaps looking at her in the night sky and the amazing brightness of her Being, and you may call upon her to illuminate your path with that which is your best for your life on Earth, and to shine her brilliance upon the love that resides within to be in perfect balance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine.  This opens up so much for you, Dear One!

Aug 16th is a New Moon in Leo. The New Moon is a time for inner reflection, deep inner searching and finding that which resides clearly within our soul. What is it thus far, perhaps this year that can be revisited to expand more upon, or to finally complete? These particular New Moon in Leo energies (along with that which Venus is contributing) help us to experience more harmony in love with self and love in relationship to others and the Earth. This New Moon provides new beginnings - what are you stepping out of, and what are you choosing to step into taking you on a new path in your life direction and experience? 

With this New Moon consciousness expansion, you are transforming into the newness of what you are bringing valiantly into the world. You are being a responsible soul – not from the old paradigm duality of responsibility and “having to do it”, but because you are on fire and want to do it, to be it.

You’re assisting, showing compassion, being caring and generous to yourself and to others. What have you created in this new moon, that is so crystal clear to you now, that it is indeed your next soul expansion, and that you’re stepping fully and confidently into because with this clarity, you know, you know, you know it is you, it’s what you desire, it’s in resonance with your soul.

Ritual and ceremony are great to do during the all of the Moon cycles, and including this New Moon – in whatever conscious way you choose, and to set your intention with great detail, perhaps writing it down and placing it on an altar, or where you can review and deepen into it - as the month progresses and shifts into the new month cycle of September - and all that that brings. This provides an innate deepening into the energies with awareness.

8/23 sees the Sun moving into the next sign from Leo into Virgo, bringing forth the supporting over-lighting energies of nature and the natural flow and organization that can be brought into your life through what nature is modeling. The Earth is our foundation and working with Virgo energies and the Sun helps ground in responsibility and caring for all sentient beings. The clarity of illumination helps guide next steps with every choice you make.

8/30 is the Blue Moon, 2nd Super Full Moon of this month in the sign of Pisces. Dreamy and ethereal energy shines brightly into your life and into all that is happening in the outer world. It may churn up emotions of past events that are asking to be released. Call upon these vibrations to liberate the mental mind that may be wanting to go back into the past and over events that are already complete. Utilize your dream energy to imagine your desires coming into fruition now, and allowing that to be your reality. Then let this Super Moon illuminate all of that with so much clarity that it appears as your reality in your life!

August will be showing you all that you’ve shifted, all that you’ve created – with clarity - you’ll be gaining the harvest and you’ll see how things are connecting up now. That’s a very important key of the energies of clarity, boosted in this month of August, that you can truly see the change that is occurring and how it is all connected to what you’ve been expanding. There are no random events – it is all connected. All are in connection, oneness. 

This is a highly transformational month bringing awakening for many souls who will be witnessing clarity anew in their lives.  This will stir up a lot of questions and perhaps confusion. So, remembering that you can contribute to this global awakening by staying in your center and showing others how the evolutionary process is a magnificent part of being here on the Earth Star at this time! The energy you emanate will greatly assist all who are awakening, Dear One.  You are all greatly supported by many Cosmic Beings of Light and Love.

Enjoy this magnificent and clarifying month of August. Our blessings are with you. And our transmission is now complete.


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