Portal Energy Vortex Container

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Portal Energy Vortex Container

This custom Energy Vortex is specifically created and calibrated for this particular month’s unique portal of repeating numbers to support your growth and evolution based on the numerology and astrology of this particular cosmic event. 

You can imagine or see it as a concentrated field of energy igniting transformation and forward movement, where you're actively participating in your soul’s path and purpose. This is so exciting because you evolve into the next phase of your intention, allowing you to witness its unfolding in your life. From there, you reach a new stage and a fresh point of choice. 

Once the Energy Vortex has fulfilled its purpose, the energies will be absorbed and integrated within you, continuing to support the next phase of your intention.

Note: Your Energy Vortex Container activates at 9 PM in your time zone and lasts for 24 hours from that point on the day of purchase. If you purchase it after 9 PM (e.g., 11:00 PM or 23:00 hours), it will activate the following day at 9 PM and remain active for 24 hours from then.

Total due $44

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