Activate, Awaken, and Actualize
Your Highest Potential and
Master Your Chosen Path
I invite you on this extraordinary expedition of the soul—chock full of magical, out-of-this-world energetic experiences unique to you—that awaken your WHOLENESS and reconnect you to the many dimensions of your Higher-Self through the new frequencies of Sacred Numbers.
Galactic Numerology is a resource and source to assist you to connect with Divine Consciousness. Activate these consciousness tools to master all areas of your life through vibrational frequency. The result is crystal clarity, flow, soul expansion, and evolution... you can experience all of the joy and abundance that the universe has to offer—that is yours to claim!
Experience your life in a WHOLE new enlightened way!
You are needed for the amazing evolutionary times!
Align with Your Cosmic Soul Path
Ascend into Your Highest Soul Mission
…the one that brings you the greatest joy, with unshakable clarity, confidence and abundance
…and deep fulfillment from knowing that you’re living your most exquisite life!
Get the tools of consciousness that empower you to master the conditions of your life through vibrational frequency.
Galactic Numerology is the new dimension of sacred numbers that takes numerology to Cosmic levels -
uniting your humanity with the WHOLENESS of your cosmology, assisting you to embody your true Divine uniqueness,
so that you can connect to all that already exists within you.
It’s the next evolutionary step or path to transcend out of duality and into WHOLENESS -bringing to you the most incredible journey of discovery of where you’ve been, where you’re at and where you’re going - and the potential in all of that. It’s a return to oneness, awakening from the illusion of duality that has made life feel like a cycle of repeated problems and challenges, keeping you stuck.
Galactic Numerology Activations act as a bridge to WHOLENESS, using higher vibrational frequencies to align you with higher states of consciousness. When you're connected to the elements of your cosmic origin, your unique energy strengthens, making you a more empowered creator from within, which then allows these energies to flow through and shape your life.
These Sacred Numbers resonate with your being and your life taking on higher vibrational meanings,
becoming Divine symbols and guides, leading you on your Soul’s journey and illuminating your path forward.
What is the impact of NOT living your highest soul path?
- Confusion, spinning in loops, wanting to throw in the towel and give up, doubt about “is this optimal life possible”.
- Like the movie Sliding Doors—that you’re living the version of you that is not following and honoring your path and mission that you chose for this lifetime.
- Feeling like time is speeding up and you’re not making progress on your path.
- Choosing situations that create disconnect from optimal health and create dis-ease.
- Living in the illusions around money and not creating the abundance that is yours to have.
- Creating distractions that delay you being on your highest path.
- Not being in Divine alignment and as such, not being tuned into the frequencies of all you desire to attract.
- Those that are waiting for you to bring forward your contribution aren’t able to see you or connect to you.
- Not having integration of your joy and happiness into your reality.
- Missed opportunities for realized abundance in money, health, time, relationships.
Galactic Numerology may be for you if you:
- Have a deep soul longing to live life on your terms, and to be FREE!
- Sense you’ve outgrown your previous life or you’ve fulfilled your 3D mission.
- Wonder about what your highest path is and how to get there.
- Want to amplify the Trust and Belief in yourself, and let go of the limiting beliefs and doubt – which leads to fear, people pleasing, holding back which then stops you in your tracks.
- Feel like something is missing: a disconnection from your true origin that creates loneliness or a sense of not fitting in.
- Know your living a diluted version of your life, which doesn’t reflect you, feels inauthentic or what someone else thinks you should do.
- Have a deep desire to fulfill your Highest Mission from a place of absolute knowing.
- Wonder what happened to your inherent joy and happiness that seems to have gone into hiding or feels diminished.
- Are looking for the peace of knowing that everything that happens in your life contributes to you being on your path.
- Know that magic is possible and you’re willing to find it – and it’s transformational abundance.
Unlock the Keys and Codes of Awakening with
the Sacred Number Light Codes of Galactic Numerology
Your Transformational Journey
Each Galactic Number Activation is a
Gateway to Higher States of Consciousness
The Galactic Numbers from 0 to 9 form the foundation for the entire sequence of Numbers up to 44.
Just as Galactic Number 0, representing WHOLENESS, serves as the foundation energy for all other Numbers, the sequence from 0 to 9 creates a base for Galactic Numbers 10 to 44.
Like the foundation of a pyramid that supports the entire structure, as you rise from the base, these foundational Numbers (0-9) unlock energies and create an energetic bridge all the way to the top - all the way to 44.
In traditional numerology, numbers 1-9 create cycles and sequences that reveal insights into your path and purpose in life, using elements like your birth date and calendar years.
In Galactic Numerology, these formulas are used as well and yet, they reveal a higher evolutionary consciousness of your potential expansion in this lifetime from a place of WHOLENESS, beyond the duality of separation.
This insight and these activations move energy, unlock dormant keys and codes, and help release old energies - clearing away outdated patterns, opening the way for more space to hold higher concentrations of Light and Love.
Ultimately, this enables you to reconnect with the full expression of your soul—your 'I AM' or Higher Self.
As you journey toward a New Golden Age, your role in expanding and evolving your consciousness while in physical form is both a great opportunity and a challenge.
Discovering the tools and insights needed for this evolution is a continuous process, and Galactic Numerology is here to help you unlock those treasures with potent and powerful, high-vibration consciousness energies.
Your part is to show up, be receptive and allow yourself to be transformed through your actions and choices that come from these new higher states of consciousness.
You just have to be willing and allowing- don’t worry about the fears, trepidations or doubts-
we’ve got you. You are fully supported.
Galactic Number 0
WHOLENESS is the foundation, purpose, and inherent quality of all Galactic Number Energy Activations. Remembering the totality of you as the Divine releases illusions of disconnection. Your journey through the realization that you are already whole and complete is a vibrational frequency of consciousness that aligns you to living in clarity, peace and prosperity, recognizing the interconnectedness of all. It’s a powerful state of being that assists you greatly on your path of ascension.
Galactic Number 1

Galactic Number 2

Galactic Number 3

Galactic Number 4
Galactic Number 5
Galactic Number 6
Galactic Number 7
Galactic Number 8

Galactic Number 9
Ready to Master Your Chosen Path?
Crystal CLARITY of knowing your cosmic soul path
and highest mission for this lifetime
Ascension tools to create and align with your ideal life
that YOU are choosing
Being in your true essence of JOY—no matter what
Connect to that part of you deep within that knows the
Cosmic and Magical YOU.
Galactic Numerology is a resource and source to assist you to connect with Divine consciousness that is already within you.
This program yields the most optimal results when…
- You are deeply commitment to your own soul expansion, and desire to evolve into highest states of consciousness on your Ascension journey.
- You understand the powerful processes of old separation consciousness release in order to create space that then harnesses higher states of unity consciousness.
- You are dedicated to contributing and co-creating New Earth and the 7th Golden Age.
- You have the time and financial resources.
In this journey you’ll:
- Attune to your soul mission from your Cosmic Origin
- Download greater clarity and confidence to pursue your purpose
- Increase flow, fulfillment and joy in your life
- Create the life that most nourishes your soul
- Expand your awareness creating a clear roadmap to make empowered decisions
- Align your inner self with your outer reality
- Accelerate consciousness beyond your current state/path anchored in the new paradigm of Ascension
- Run the Galactic Energies of your Cosmic Self
- Integrate your mission into all that you’re up to
- Incorporate your Cosmic self into this lifetime
- Embody and express the Divineness of YOU
- Become all that you are choosing that brings you the greatest happiness
- Merge with your Highest Purpose and express it
Here's The Program Roadmap
The Galactic Numerology Program is a soul and life-expansion experience through the Activation transmissions of the new Sacred Number frequencies – as well as ascension soul path coaching and cheer-leading through channelling of The Galactic Numerology Council of Light, Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings and Angels- as you integrate these energy tools to transform your life.
Experience Galactic Numerology:
- You have access to the audios for each of the Galactic Numerology Activations to listen to on your own
- You’ll be within the bespoke Energy Vortex container created to support you as you activate and integrate these high vibrational energies
- We’ll meet for all sessions on Zoom
During this time together we will co-create as you:
✅ Hook up with your Cosmic Origin through the Galactic Numerology Activation Transmissions, the ultimate nourishing frequencies and vibrations new to Earth to support the many dimensions of your life mission.
✅ Harness the motivation that empowers an unstoppable inner strength to clearly pursue your mission.
✅ Align your consciousness to frequencies that are now available for you that were not available previously because of this time in the Ascension process.
✅ See yourself transform so you’re coming from an unshakeable place of joy and abundance in all areas of your life: relationships, finances, health, career.
✅ Receive the tools to create your ideal life no matter what – creating alchemical shifts through the magic of YOU!
✅ Embody the FREEDOM and BELIEF (Inner-Knowing) that you are empowered to choose your reality that brings you the greatest joy.
✅ Create the life you truly desire, the one where you are fully ALIGNED with your soul mission: steering your life onto the new tracks into its fullest expression.
Hear from our clients
Personalized Galactic
Numerology Journey
Bespoke 12-Month one-to-one soul evolution experience with me and the Guides.
Limited spaces
Individual expansion
within a group setting
Explore within a community
of like-hearted consciously awakened companions