Your personal numerology extends across all facets of numbers in your life: your birthdate, the cells comprising your body, and the sacred geometric architecture of your Divine blueprint. Since everything embodies energy, numbers hold that same essence, allowing you to access your own energy in numerous ways. Within your unique numerical code lies a treasure trove of connections, linking you not only to yourself but to the entirety of existence throughout the Cosmos.

Immerse yourself in Galactic Numerology frequencies with this exploratory launch into the newest and most highly evolved frequencies and vibrations of NUMBERS –
resulting in states of BEING which can be applied directly to your life and purpose.

… all infused with the nourishment and support of Galactic Numerology’s highly evolved energies
so you are living your most deeply satisfying life of freedom with confidence, clarity and joy

Divine Magic and Alchemy…to unlock your inner-self, discover who you are and develop your potential, to get you back into the rhythm of your highest path and mission with a clear purpose and plan to actualize the goal of your soul.

Galactic Numbers are Creator Codes 

Galactic Numerology encompasses pioneering Sacred Number frequencies, uniting your humanity with the WHOLENESS of your cosmology, enabling you to embrace your authentic Divine uniqueness.

When you’re in conscious connection with the elements of your cosmic origin – your signature energy matrix that makes up what and who you are is strengthened, and you become an empowered creator.


Here's How These Transmissions
Amplify Your Life 

  • Kick-starts and reboots you back into the rhythm of your soul’s highest expression
  • Recalibrates and points the needle to the highest goal of your soul
  • Creates crystal clarity about your path for this lifetime
  • Nourishes your system with crystalline light technologies
  • Creates tools for you to tap into energetically anytime, any place
  • Supports your evolution that is the result of you being in alignment with your Divine origin connection
  • Focuses your life to be lived and actualized the way that YOU are choosing

    With the direct transmission and activation of your Galactic Number, you are running those energies that powerfully strengthen your essence, your uniqueness and your signature energy field which positively manifests your life’s birthrights of joy and happiness!

    These energies are consciousness tools for you to use in all areas of your life:
    health, finances, love, career – whatever it is you choose!

These Sessions are for you if you’re:

  • Feeling your soul expansion happening and looking for clarity about how to navigate this path
  • Out of rhythm (a bit or a LOT) with your TRUE mission (what you are here for, your highest purpose and gifts)
  • Living in confusion from the illusions surrounding your relationships, your health, your work/career, perhaps lacking clarity about an important decision or what path is most on point with your soul’s desires
  • Frustrated and just ready to shift into a more vibrant life
  • Feeling disconnected or separated from your cosmic origin Source and your sense of feeling and belonging home
  • Struggling with living in the 3D when you know you have the capacity to tap deeper into your spiritual gifts
  • Looking to access bespoke, highly evolved frequencies and vibrations for the nourishment and support of your soul
  • Looking for more expanded dimensions of Sacred Number energies and frequencies to nourish and guide you, and to connect to Sacred Numbers in a whole new way

Cosmic Soul Path Mastery

Number Activation Session


What Is Your Cosmic Soul Path Mastery Number

Your Cosmic Soul Path Mastery Number in Galactic Numerology is the number energies created by
adding up your birth date numbers and reducing them down to a single digit –  It is your MASTERY NUMBER.

Galactic Numerology Mastery is the number chosen by you through your birth date for you to reconnect to your
Divine Cosmic Origins to support you on your path and mission in this lifetime!
Being connected to your origin – your cosmic and galactic self – is a way to strengthen your signature energy.
It’s an upgrade and fortification to your energy system.

This Galactic Numerology Transmission infuses these energies into your soul’s mission
from your cosmic origin – from Wholeness – truly nourishing the Mastery that is taking place within this lifetime.
This very potent number contains the keys and codes to unlock your bespoke gifts!
This transmission brings great nourishment for your energy system and ultimately strengthens your uniqueness!

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Here’s what you’ll receive in your session:

This customized 1.25 hour (75-minute)  immersion session via Zoom includes:

    • Receiving the ACTIVATION transmission of your Galactic Numerology Cosmic Soul Path Mastery Number via the Languages of Light, Numbers and Crystalline Codes
    • Exploring your unique Mastery to access the crystal clarity of your gifts and how to apply them to your life
    • Looking at the gift and challenge side of your Cosmic Soul Path Mastery Number which is the theme of your Mastery for this lifetime and experience the alchemy of shifting it into being the GIFT
    • Dialing into the point that is your true north – follow your compass to your fully realized Soul Path by applying your Mastery Number energies to all you’re up to
    • A unique ENERGY VORTEX container during the session to support integration of the energies into your system

