12/12 Portal

DCA_12:12 Portal Joy

The 12/12 Portal opens a bridge to the December 21, 2024 Solstice bringing powerful opportunities to align with high-vibrational energy supporting your growth and the Earth's ascension.

This transmission helps you expand your consciousness, unlocking peace, joy, love, and compassion. Your unique gifts await—go within to claim them and amplify your JOY, transforming your life and the world.

Uplevel with Frequency Upgrades: A shift in consciousness that you can utilize to change something ho-hum in your life to something “wha-hoooo!” - discovering a fresh way of embracing positivity as you realize how your inner joy magnetizes more happiness towards you.

Finding joy from within leads to:

  1. Inner peace: Stability regardless of external circumstances.

  2. Resilience: Strength to navigate challenges with grace.

  3. Fulfillment: Lasting happiness not tied to material things.

  4. Alignment: Living in harmony with your true self.

  5. Positive energy: Attracting abundance and uplifting others.

A client says: “My heart is so filled with JOY! It’s so amazing to be among individuals like yourself, weaving the fabric of creation in all Divine BEingness. 💖 How much better could it be 🎶 🙌 💕 🥳


Amplify your intentions through your own unique Energy Vortex Container for this Portal and Transmission—you are deeply supported and nourished as you call forth and allow the transformation that is yours to receive through this amazing Cosmic event. This is all in the energy realms and is created to support you as you expand your consciousness—providing nourishment and assistance as your multi-body system integrates these high frequency energies.

Benefits of stepping into your bespoke Energy Vortex Container: Calibrates Portal transmission to align you with higher states of consciousness, perfectly attuned to your inner knowing and the whispers of your soul—empowering you to live your higher purpose with clarity and confidence

You are attuned to being in more present states of oneness, and therefore come from your place of alignment with All There Is - and your life becomes more peaceful and flowing Deeper calibration to your Higher-self so you can tap in with exceptional clarity to design your life (outer reality) to one that is a true reflection of your Divine (inner/heart) self an up-leveling of Divine energies to move you into new dimensions of connection to your I AM - being even more connected to the freedom that is your birthright

These transmissions are potent, and this Energy Container provides the alchemy for your intentions to grow in alignment with your Higher-self. This is within the multidimensional realms, and runs for 24 hours.

Upgrade here.


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