Channelings Blog

Communicating with a Quartz Point Crystal

Yes, yes, dearest One – we meet again – for we have met before many lifetimes and many eons ago upon the earth as you look at incarnations and linear time.  We were in a mine in Brazil and we called to our earth contact to come and get us to let us out into this world so that we may connect with the Humans incarnate on the Earth at this time who we are meant to work with, for and through. 

We are of the crystalline consciousness and each of us has an over lighting Deva – and that means it’s like…

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A quick chat with the Bees

I asked them:
Dearest  Bees and Bumblebees - what guidance do you have for me to be helpful to you?

And they replied:
"Your sending love and light into Nature and working with the elemental dragons to clear and transmute is exactly what has been needed- and what continues to help us thrive, dear One. 
LIGHT and love, light and love, light and LOVE!!

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Sanat Kumara: A Pep Talk

This was a personal pep talk from Sanat Kumara to me, but as with most of my channelings there are universal messages, so I wanted to share this with you!

I am Sanat Kumara and you have been feeling the little nudges that I've been giving you these past weeks, and you even went so far as to "pull my card" from your deck to see what I was all about. 

And what I am about dear one is the entire Ascension process of humankind and the Earth dwellers as well as the shift into the New Age of Unity Consci…

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Dragonfly Delightful Message to Me - and for All

I've always been connected to dragonflies (and of course the first part of their name is "dragon" - so you see all is so synchronistic). 

Dragonflies follow me as I ride my bike, they appear in droves and dip and fly near me when the season is warm. 

I once had a damselfly land on my hand!) Once I saw a huge green dragonfly on a bush in my yard and that particular Being had ONE EYE in the front of her face - and I took a picture and that picture disappeared from my phone - because it was a mir…

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ORCA Whale Free in the Wild

When I connect to this beautiful Orca whale - this amazing Being - her energy came through as happy, free, ecstatic with joy to be free and traveling with ease in the waters. 

She is smart, her soul originates from off planet and she is here to learn and here to teach - very wise! 

She's loving that I'm connecting to her now and knows that we share that ecstatic sense of joy in freedom :)

This makes me so happy to connect with her energy.

I asked her: "What would you like to share with me be…

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