Channelings Blog

Welcome to July 2024 Galactic Numerology™ Energy Map

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Welcome to July 2024 Galactic Numerology™ Energy Map

Galactic Numerology™ welcomes you to this Month of July 2024 and is transmitting supporting and nourishing energies for you in this transmission.  

In this transmission, you’ll learn about key dates, numbers, and cosmic energies, Galactic Numerology™ energies that are tools for manifestation that are available specifically in July 2024.  See how this energy map helps set the stage for maneuvering and…

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Message from the Bees: Bees Are


Bees Are

We are the Bees that buzz and flitter, carrying the pollen from place to place. Yes, we are busy, and we know you say that: “Busy as a bee!” Ha, Ha, yes we love what we do, and we love what we be.  This is our message today - to BE, like a bee.  We are, we be, not only do we be, but we bee - so we are really be…ing who we be.

Like our flight, around and about, spiraling and wizzing through the air, we are bringing in this message in a very spiraling and multidimensional way (because t…

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2023 Universal Year 7 with Galactic Numerology™

Copy of Blog post 2023nUniversal Year 7 poster

Welcome to 7 Universal Year of 2023 with Galactic Numerology™

In this transmission, you’ll learn about key energies from the new dimensional frequencies of sacred numbers through Galactic Numerology. These energies and illuminations are tools for manifestation that are available specifically in your year of 2023. See how this sets the stage for maneuvering and creating your life, and harness the powers that are available unconditionally for you!

We begin with the foundation and backdrop of the Uni…

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Melchizedek Channeling: Keys and Codes of Harmony and Balance

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 5.50.22 PM

As you are present for this channeled transmission from Melchizedek - a powerful and wise beloved Master who is here to assist us with our Ascension process, knowing that you are fully supported as you open to the energies and vibrations that come through, and all that comes through is perfect for you and is the highest expression of your soul's mission and purpose. 

Hello beloved one, I am Melchizedek, and I am overjoyed and delighted to be with you on your ascension journey. There are many ke…

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The SPHINX Transmission of Wisdom and Hope


Welcome to this channeling post. 🤗

I took this picture on the most amazing journey to Egypt with my mentor and friend Danielle and her husband Friedemann and a group of beautiful, fun adept Masters and soul family members.  The energy of love that radiates from The SPHINX is beyond what you can imagine - supportive down deep into the depths of your Being.

And, as there is this channeled message from The SPHINX that is full of nourishing vibrations of love, hope and ancient wisdom being unlocke…

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The Eagle-eye View on Ascension


On a walk with my friend Cathy in our local forest preserve in the late afternoon we saw the Eagle couple that we eagerly look for on each walk! We had walked past the area where they were perched in a tree off in the distance when I got a “knowing” to turn back and look – and with many, many trees in the area my eye was drawn to where they were sitting in the branches. I squealed with laughter and pulled on my friend Cathy’s arm and said: “Look – there they are!! The Eagles are in that tree!” I…

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Messages from Nature: The Spiders


This beautiful being, a tarantula spider, was on a path that I was traveling with beautiful friends on a recent trip to the southwest USA, where red earth everywhere just bathes the energy body - grounding and exciting the senses!  It’s a place where wonder and awe create magical experiences!

Spider Medicine is about weaving.  Her web threads are delicate and yet when they are woven into the web they have much strength.  It is her home, it’s where she lives and captures what she desires.  Thi…

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Messages from Nature: The Sylphs


Part 1 of 5 Channeled Messages: Beings of the Air – The Sylphs

Nature steps forth in many forms as the gifts of Gaia in her physical and energy body.  We are delighted with these gifts - from Beings on and in the Earth, in the skies, and in the waters.

This channeling comes from The Sylphs – elemental beings of the air who whisk about, unseen by many, and sensed by some.  So I ask them what is their recommendation for “human” beings (light beings in a physical body) to strengthen their ability…

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A Call-to-Action from the ElementALLS


Blessed Be! 

We are the ElementALLS.

We are a consciousness blend of the energies of Earth’s Elemental Kingdom and the Elements, stepping forward in a collective way to gather our presence in a very SIGNIFICANT way.

We are requesting from all of you to call forward every energy of LOVE you possess within your beings, amping it up like a FIRE OF LOVE burning from within your hearts, spreading this love to every cell and atom in your body and emanating it out with a most focused intention of HE…

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Light Language Water Element Meditation Transmission of Cosmic and Earth Energies

Enjoy this meditation and transmission to cleanse, bless, upgrade the water within your system and the waters upon the Earth.  Drink water, perhaps increase your normal intake. Bless your water with a simple intention before drinking: "I bless this water with Divine Love and Light as it merges with the Divine Waters within my body."

Notice, and if you choose, write about how you're feeling physically, emotionally and mentally, and how your energy fields are more in the Flow! 

Comment i…

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